Festival of Everyday Faith – workshop recordings now available

Everyday Faith church of englandThe set of live-recorded Everyday Faith workshops are available here to watch again online:

Opening Session: Telling our stories from everyday life.

In the Gospels we read of Jesus encountering adults and children in their everyday lives. He engages with their stories as the story of who he is unfolds among them. In this workshop we will explore how we share the small and big stories of our everyday lives, revealing Christ within them. Come with paper and pens and a desire to have a go. If you like emojis there will be an opportunity to use them … and if you don’t know what an emoji is, that’s OK! You have a story to tell.

Led by the Bishop of Gloucester, the Right Revd Rachel Treweek.



Workshop One – Growing together in faith in the home.

Living out our faith, even talking about it, in our homes isn’t always easy. Led by Rachel Howie and Andy Wolfe:


Workshop Two – Faith in the changing workplace.

Explore practical ways to develop as disciples at work and to grow in our confidence and joy in living out faith at work. Led by Neil Hudson and Ruth Walker:



Workshop Three – Praying with your eyes open.

What if we pray actively, with our eyes open, aware of the world around us and God’s presence? This interactive workshop will share ideas and experiences of prayer in our everyday lives. Led by Jo Wetherall, Alexandra Dyer, Jennifer Fellows and Barrie Voyce:


Workshop Four – Life isn’t fair

Consider issues of social injustice and inequalities; our response to those issues, and how we can be a faithful voice for change. Led by Karen Czapiewski, Will Mansell and Takisha Sargent:


Closing gathering: Conclusions and Commissioning.

Join Bishop Robert, the workshop leaders and everyone who has been part of the festival of everyday faith to share together what we have learned. The recording ends with Bishop Rachel commissioning us all to go out into all the world being the people of God in everything we do:


Take it further

We have personal stories of faith from across the diocese, a marketplace of resources and tools all available on our Festival page:


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