Prayers at the end of a text

If you’re having a tough time at the moment and you live in the North Cheltenham area, the Revd Tom Cook in Cheltenham has a new way to help.

He and his church community are offering a text prayer service that you can turn to for help.

He said, “The Guardian reported that Google had a 50 percent increase in people searching “prayer” in March 2020. As the North Cheltenham Ministry Team, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to access prayer. So if anyone is worried about anything or wants someone to pray with them, then it is only a quick text away.”

If there’s something on your mind, you can send a text to 88802 and you will get a call back from a Christian who will pray with you.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t really know how to pray – they are happy to guide the conversation and pray through any problems that you are facing.

Tom said, “Times have been difficult for everyone over the past year. We wanted to find a way of reaching people and helping their spiritual and mental health.

Alexa or Google cannot replace real people praying for each other. We have people ready to pray with all who want it.”

All you have to do is text the word PRAY to 88802 and someone will call you back. You could include a little message if you wanted or just text that one word, PRAY.

For more information you can contact the Revd Tom on


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