Generosity in thanksgiving for vaccinations

Bishop Rachel explains Christian Aid’s new initiative to show your thanksgiving for your vaccine.

She said, “I would like to share with you an exciting venture we have helped initiate in this diocese, in conjunction with Christian Aid.

“Very soon it will be possible for you to make a donation to Christian Aid around the time of your vaccination and that of family members. Whilst the cost of vaccination in the Global South is being met, organisations such as Christian Aid are working with communities where the impact of Covid has added further pain, struggles and challenges to those which already existed, amid poverty, injustice and lack of resources.

“The hope is that we will all wish to give generously to the work of Christian Aid from a place of thanksgiving, whether our generosity be a few pounds or a much larger sum. This is a way of us sharing Christ’s hope and love with our brothers and sisters across the world who are less fortunate than ourselves.

“We will keep you informed of progress and the intention is that it will be possible to provide you with details of total amounts raised in different parishes, as it would be wonderful, where appropriate if we could encourage a response from across our wider communities.”



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