Christian Aid and VaccinAid appeals


A message from Bishop Rachel

Thank you to all those who have donated to our partnership project with Christian Aid as we give thanks for our Covid-19 vaccine. We have already exceeded £9K and my hope is that we will reach nearer £50K as people continue to give generously.

Giving thanks for our vaccines

Funds from the appeal are helping vulnerable communities around the world, and Christian Aid partners have so far directly helped over half a million people in 27 countries in the face of the pandemic. This has included access to soap, food and vital health information, as well as the distribution of food packages to people struggling to feed their families after losing work during lockdown and the economic downturn.

This week another initiative has also been launched, led by UNICEF UK, with the online fundraising platform Crowdfunder. The VaccinAid campaign now offers people a way to donate directly towards the cost of jabs for others around the world.

The good news is that these two campaigns are not in competition but are complementing one another. Thus there is now the possibility of funding vaccines directly via the VaccinAid campaign as well as funding humanitarian relief that communities desperately need at this time via the Christian Aid campaign.

Whichever campaign you choose to donate to you can be sure that you will be sharing Christ’s hope and love with our brothers and sisters across the world who are less fortunate than ourselves.


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