Changes to the places of worship guidance

Gloucester Churchyard RegulationsThe national guidelines were updated on Friday 14 May. This will affect rules around worship, weddings and funerals, as follows:

Singing, chanting and the use of musical instruments

Where singing takes place, it should follow the principles of safer singing.

  • Indoors: a group of up to 6 amateur singers can perform, or rehearse for performance with social distancing being maintained at all times. There is no limit on the number of professional singers but they should follow guidance on performing arts. Performances should take place at the front of the place of worship to a seated audience. Indoor communal singing should not take place.

From Monday May 17, England moved to Stage Three of the Government’s ‘reopening’ roadmap. For places of worship this will involve some changes – notably a rise in the numbers permitted at funerals, up to the Covid-safe capacity of the building, and a maximum of 30 attendees at weddings.

Updated guidance on this is available here:
Church of England Covid-19 guidance pages


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