Pumpkin trail brings families flocking

Pumpkin with a crossThe church in Lechlade held a pumpkin trail for the local community to follow on 31 October and more than 70 children, plus their parents and carers joined in.

The Revd Andrew Cinnamond said, “We held a pumpkin trail to bring a bit of joy and light into people’s lives on Halloween.”

People followed a Pumpkin Trail around Lechlade (via a customised Google map with pumpkins) with invitations to come afterwards to Church Cottage for free popcorn, hot chocolate and a goody bag including some great all-age Christian messages.

Many of the church family helped out by carving pumpkins, providing treats and serving refreshments – more than 70 children plus their parents enjoyed the Church’s hospitality.

Vicar Andrew Cinnamond and curate Gareth Griffith helped serve the refreshments.



Pumpkins on a doorstep carved with crosses Three pumpkins carved to look like little houses, sitting on the table, with a candle burning inside each of them illuminating the windows.Two pumpkins carved to look like owlsAndrew and Gareth with the popcorn machine


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