Bishop Rachel speaks about the IICSA Report regarding Peter Ball

Logo“On 9 May, the IICSA report regarding Peter Ball was published. Once again, this report highlights the indefensible failures of those in authority in the Church at that time to take the right action. Whilst the report’s title carries the name of Peter Ball, it is important that the people at the forefront of our minds remain the victims and survivors of abuse. My deep sadness on reading the report is immaterial compared to their pain and suffering.

“I want to pay particular tribute once again to the bravery of Neil Todd, who is sadly no longer with us today. Without Neil’s tenacity and courage in reporting abuse, Peter Ball would not have been brought to trial.

“In this diocese we are committed to sharing the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ so that people may know life in all its fullness. That means being committed to welcome and hospitality for all and ensuring our churches are the safest they can possibly be. This is not only reflected in our safeguarding training, structures, policies and support, both in our  church communities and in our central administrative services, but also in our deep commitment to listening and responding to any concern that is raised.”

For more information and details of who to contact if you have a safeguarding concern or have been affected by this report, please visit


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