Exploring mental and health and well-being with young people

Bishop Rachel has put her support behind new Church Youth Resources produced by the Children’s Society around young people’s mental health and well-being.

The session themes are drawn from what children and young people have said matter to them, taken from the latest research from the Good Childhood Report 2019 and 2020.

Many of these sessions resonate strongly with our #Liedentity campaign, which aims to change the message that who you are, is all about how you look. We are delighted that one of our #Liedentity videos has been use in this resource.


Bishop Rachel said. “I strongly commend these resources developed by the Children’s Society, that focus on topics and areas of life which young people have identified as affecting them and their self-worth.

“I long for every child and young person to discover that they are unique and precious, created in the image of God who knows them, loves them and desires for them to fulfil their potential as they go on becoming fully who they are. This will always involve other people as we are created to live in relationship, so these resources provide creative ways to help young people share how they feel and discover more of who they are as a whole person and to delight in that.

“Being able to talk about our hopes and fears and explore the difficulties and challenges we face with people we trust, is such an important way of taking care of our mental health and wellbeing. Hearing powerful testimonies from their peers can often help young people open up about how they think and feel and for them to know they are not alone. I am therefore delighted that one of the Diocese of Gloucester’s #liedentity videos has been used as part of the Identity session.”


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