Ordinations 2020 – join us online!

Ordinations 2020 Gloucester Diocese Church of EnglandWe are delighted to share the news that the postponed ordinations of priests and deacons will be taking place in small services across Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September.

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  • Saturday 19 September: 10am (deacons part 1), 5:30pm (deacons part 2)
  • Sunday 20 September: 10:15am (priests) & 3pm (deacons part 3)

Live broadcasts of each service will be available after the services are complete. Photographs from each event will also be published on social and on our website, as they become available.

Trainee priests and deacons in the Diocese of Gloucester who were due to be ordained at the end of June, are now preparing for their big day to take place where the Church can celebrate and affirm the callings of 14 people due to be ordained deacon and the  10 people due to be ordained priest.

Ordinations are one of the most joyful events in the Church’s calendar. This year, instead of a mass gathering in the Cathedral, the ordination services will be done over a series of smaller celebrations, with each ordinand making vows to the Bishop.

The following people will be ordained deacons on Saturday 19 September at 10am by the Bishop of Gloucester

 Jade ScholesJade Scholes: St John the Evanglist, Churchdown and Innsworth

Jade is married to Rupert, with three children (Oliver 15, Peter, 12 and Scarlett, 7) and works part-time as a staff nurse at Cheltenham General Emergency Department. Rupert is a financial advisor and works from home where they have lived since moving to Cheltenham in 2003. Jade grew up in Cirencester and studied for her Bachelor of Nursing at Birmingham University in 1996 where she and Rupert first met. After a short career in nursing in London and then Birmingham, Jade left the profession to work in medical sales for 10 years. After becoming a mother and rediscovering her Christian faith she felt called to return to nursing where she has worked ever since in the emergency department as a nurse at Gloucester Royal and now Cheltenham General. Her main passion being about ensuring patients presenting with mental health problems get better access to care. Since the birth of her second son Peter in 2007 she became more been actively involved in her local church leading Sunday School, joining the church council, then running the baby and toddler group, holiday clubs, facilitating a partnership with a Palestinian Church – all the time finding a new rhythm and sense of purpose in all aspects of her life. It was whilst working at Gloucester Royal in 2014 that she felt God rather surprisingly was calling her into Ordination in the Church, although terrifying it seemed at the same time to make total sense. This calling was affirmed at a Bishop’s Advisory Panel in 2017, after which she began her 3-year formational training on a part time pathway affiliated to Cuddesdon Theological College in Oxford.

In her free time, she enjoys reading books on Christian Spirituality, doing spin and pump classes and watching box sets and drinking prosecco. Not all at once obviously. Well, except maybe the box sets/prosecco combo.

Duncan HutchisonDuncan Hutchison: Hucclecote

Duncan is 38 years old, married to Eleanor with two children; Lily 8 and Rose 6 and work in education.  Eleanor works as a HR and Organisational Development Manager in the public sector. Although born in Gloucester, Duncan spent his formative years living in Somerset West, just outside of Cape Town, South Africa.  It was here that he became a Christian and attended a Baptist Church.  At church he joined the worship team and began leading worship on a regular basis.  This lead to attendance at a local theological college and what was the beginnings of a call to ordination (he just didn’t know it).  In 2001 he moved back to the UK, in order to study at Nexus (a music and ministry college in Coventry) and began attending an Anglican church. Unfortunately, for many reasons he had to stop attending Nexus and began working full-time.  After working in a range of unfulfilling jobs, he trained to be a primary school teacher and has loved every minute of being a teacher.  Throughout his career, he has worked in a range of schools and with a range of wonderful children.  It is through being a teacher that the call to ordained ministry has been made stronger.  He fully believes that children have a wonderful part to play in the missio Dei and strives to help them realise their God-given potential.  He trained at Cuddesdon: Gloucester and Hereford whilst working full-time and will remain working full-time as a teacher whilst serving his curacy in Hucclecote.  In his spare time, when there is any, he enjoys music and playing golf.

Jacqueline HensonJacqueline Henson: South Cheltenham Churches

Jacqueline (43) has been married to David for 11 years and they have two daughters, Eleanor (9) and Martha (6). Having been brought up in rural West Devon, surrounded by Dartmoor countryside, Jacqueline left home to study Criminology and Sociology at the University of Wales, Bangor. She graduated with a 2:1 degree and then joined the police service. She has worked in a variety of uniform and detective roles in three different police forces during the last 21 years but has now hung up her warrant card to be a stipendiary minister. Having grown steadily in her Christian faith, together with David since the lead-up to their wedding, Jacqueline started to explore her call to ordained ministry immediately following Martha’s baptism; which was when she first felt a ‘niggle’ that needed to be scratched. Since selection, she has been studying part time over the past 3 years at Cuddesdon: Gloucester and Hereford whilst also working at Cirencester Police Station. Having both been actively involved in church life in Cirencester for several years, Jacqueline and David are now relishing the challenge of moving to the South Cheltenham Ministry team and immersing themselves fully in a new parish and local community. In her spare time, as well as spending time with her family, Jacqueline enjoys playing her violin, gardening and camping holidays.

Nicki BullivantNicki Bullivant: The Parish of Tidenham, and the United Benefice of St Briavels with Hewelsfield and Brockweir

Nicki is 56 years old and have been married to husband Nick for nine years. She lives in the Forest of Dean/Wye Valley. She has four grown up children from her first marriage, Emma, Rebecca, Ben and Beth and four stepsons, Stefan, Joel, Matthew and Ben. She went to Badminton School in Bristol and then attended Birmingham Bible Institute for two years, leaving with a Diploma in Biblical Studies. On leaving Bible College she trained as registered nurse in the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport. She has worked as a nurse for 35 years, working in intensive care burns, general surgery and latterly at my local community hospital. She began her Christian journey in 1980 and has in recent years felt a strong call to ordained ministry, with a view to working as an SSM in her own parish and as a hospital chaplain in the Gloucester area. She has been studying at Cuddesdon Gloucester and Hereford for the past three years whilst continuing to work as a nurse.  She likes nothing more than walking with her extremely lively cocker spaniel, Arthur, through the woods and fields. She also enjoys singing, reading, meeting up with her friends and eating cake.

For more on Nicki see our press release –>

Jay NiblettJay Niblett: Vale and Cotswold Edge

Jay is 33 years old, has been married for 11 years to Laura and they have four lively children (Zach (7), Esther (6), Simeon (3) and Reuben (2); plus, two dogs (Indy and Pippin). Before training for ordination Jay spent most of his adult life as a youth worker and travelling, including a brief stint in New Zealand. Family life has not been free of challenges with two of the children needing miracles of their own, but God has been faithful. Laura has started a new business adventure in Bamboo bikes partnering up with social enterprises in Bali and Ghana. Jay grew up in Bristol and studied a degree in youth work and theology, Laura is a Londoner but spent a chunk of her childhood in Vancouver. Ordained ministry was a surprise to Jay, coming from a working-class background and having a varied church experience it took him a while to realise that God had a plan for him which in hindsight resonated with the feeling of call, he struggled to articulate during his earlier ministry. One conversation with an Anglo-Catholic priest brought the clarity he needed and when the priest described his ministry as ‘when I am most alive’ Jay realised that this was the call God had for him too. Following BAP, Jay trained at Trinity College Bristol to be closer to his parents and not too far from the family friends in Gloucester and he greatly valued the time to study and particularly enjoyed grappling with postmodern hermeneutics. It is also at Trinity where the commitment to corporate morning prayer and a weekly space for silence has been a real gift to his own spirituality. When Jay is not working or being piled on by his children, he enjoys playing guitar, football and an evening in with Laura, some wine and a box set.

For more on Jay, see our press release —>

The following people will be ordained deacons on Saturday 19 September at 5.30pm by the Bishop of Gloucester.

Sarah HaslamSarah Haslam: Rodborough, Woodchester and Brimscombe

Sarah is 44 years old and mother of three children – Noah (12), Hope (10) and Elijah (7). She worked for many years in journalism and publishing in Abu Dhabi then London before returning ‘home to roost’ in the Cotswolds. Sarah grew up believing in God but found her own faith truly began to blossom in motherhood. Her call to ordained ministry crept up on her in church one day and then refused to leave! For relaxation Sarah enjoys live comedy, singing, swimming and nights in with her children.

Jane Jones-WilliamsJane Jones-Williams: The Sodbury Vale Benefice

Jane comes to Ordination after years of prodding by different people, but specifically by a dear friend Revd Yvonne Brae, who sadly died just before Jane’s selection.  Jane’s here today with the support of her family and friends to answer God’s calling.  She grew up in Yate, South Gloucestershire and has attended St John’s in Chipping Sodbury from around the age of 5 or 6.  She’s married to Paul, and has two grown-up children, Phoebe, who’s a nurse living in Scotland and Sam who’s engaged to Becky and have a little daughter, Bethany.  Jane was aware of a connection with Church, even as a young girl, and became a Sunday School as a teenager; in fact, one of her pupils later became a Bishop.  After some years Jane rose to the heady heights of Church Warden.  Jane’s always been up for a challenge no matter how bizarre, such as engaging the church in a street festival BBQ with 2 days’ notice and writing and printing a new order of service for Sunday morning, less than 10 hours beforehand.  She’ll always see a different view and over the years her informal worship services have seen some imaginative and thought-provoking ideas for talks, activities and prayer time.  Jane’s passionate about Church being out in the community and enjoys being involved with the annual Sodbury Festival, Sportive and Church Community Day.  She enjoys the Easter period and engaging in the two Christingle services at Christmas where she helps entertain over 300 hundred children, plus the adults.  Jane works full-time as PA to a Legal Director and will carry on with this when she’s Ordained.  When there’s time to relax, Jane loves her garden, loves to cook and loves her family.

Joseph MottramJoseph Mottram: Cirencester with Watermoor

Joe is 35 years old, married to Kirsty with two children (Arthur (5), Dougie (4 months)) and two house cats. Kirsty is an Artist and Secondary Art Teacher. Joe was born in Boston, Lincs., but moved a lot as a child due to his father’s job as an NCO in the RAF. This included time in Scotland, Hong Kong, and South Wales, before returning to Scotland where Joe had most of his secondary education. He studied Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Leeds, including a year abroad in the USA, then stayed for a PhD in observational Star Formation. Joe worked as a Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Exeter, Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, and the Max Plank Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. Having grown up in the Anglican church and been involved in various churches and chaplaincies throughout his adult life, he then went through the discernment process with the Diocese in Europe and trained for ordination at Cranmer Hall, Durham.

Pauline SetterfieldPauline Setterfield: Tetbury with Beverston, Long Newton and Shipton Moyne

Pauline grew up in Oswestry, Shropshire on the Welsh borders where she regularly attended St Oswald’s Parish Church and assisted at Sunday School. At a youth group she vividly remembers meeting Graham Kendrick at the start of his career, back in the 1970s. After studying for a music degree in Yorkshire, Pauline followed a career at BBC Radio 3 in London and TV Features in Bristol before teaching music (piano and singing). She and husband of 39 years, Peter, have three sons: Tom, newly married to Laura; Ollie, married to Tessa with two young daughters, Rosie and Pippa; and George, whose long-term partner is Eleanor. Peter works for the charity The Genesis Trust in Bath. The hours spent freezing whilst watching three sports-made sons play rugby have not diminished Pauline’s love of sport (she recently wrote a reflection on the leadership style of Jose Mourinho) and she and the family are keen supporters of Bath Rugby and their local cricket team.

Pauline’s sense of vocation has flowed through her life in broadcasting, as teacher, mother (and more recently grandmother), carer to her elderly mother, and as a musician in her home church of St Mary the Virgin, Hawkesbury where she played the organ, directed the church choir and led worship for many years. Choral music is her passion and she has sung with many leading choirs, but she embraces all types of music from rock to opera, and is looking forward to serving her curacy in the benefice of Tetbury where she and Peter have been supporters of its annual music festival since its inception. It was on a visit to the Roman Catholic Abbaye de Gellone in southern France that Pauline felt the final nudge (there had been a few!) to a call to ordination when she and Peter, as Anglicans, were invited to assist at the Eucharist. Driving through France, long walks, and gathering people round the table for meals are a few of her favourite things. Pauline has been training on the Cuddesdon: Gloucester and Hereford part-time pathway and has latterly enjoyed an eighteen-month attachment to the Benefice of Rodborough, Woodchester and Brimscombe in the Stroud Deanery.

The following people will be ordained deacons on Sunday 20 September at 3pm by the Bishop of Gloucester.

Bea ErskineBea Erskine: Coleford, Staunton, Newland, Redbrook and Clearwell

Bea is married to John and lives in the village of Newland, in the Forest of Dean.  She has two sons, Luke (34) who is married to Anna and lives with their five children in South Island New Zealand and Oliver (32) who lives and works in London.  Born in Scotland her family moved to Gloucestershire when she was seven.  Bea and John have lived in the Mid-Wyedean parish for over 22 years.  On reflection it would be correct to say that it took her a little while to ‘wake up’ to the call to ordained ministry but having done so, she is greatly looking forward to working in the parish.  She has rather too many horses and dogs, a very patient husband, loves the arts, reading and the countryside.

Catherine CowieCatherine Cowie: Benefice of The Guitings, Cutsdean, Farmcote, Upper Slaughter and Lower Slaughter with Eyford and Naunton

Catherine is 33 years old, married to Alexander and they have a son (Alan, 1). Catherine was the pastoral assistant at St Peter’s Eaton Square in London, before training for ordained ministry at Ripon College Cuddesdon. Reading Theology and Religion at Oxford has excelled her love of engaging critically with Scripture and sharing the good news of the Gospel with all people. Having previously studied at Bath School of Art, she enjoys expressing her faith through the creative arts. Her calling to ordained ministry dates back to her childhood, growing up in rural Gloucestershire.

Helen HillHelen Hill: The Stroud Team Ministry

Helen is married to Peter Hill. They have three adult children, Sarah (lives in Nottingham), Josie (lives in Bristol) and Sophie (lives in London). They have five grandchildren. Helen grew up in the mining area of Derbyshire; her father was ordained when she was a toddler, her mother worked part-time in a small, family retail business. She was part of a close, warm local community. From the age of 7, Helen attended a Church of England boarding school, where she had a few close friends. Her sister was born when she was 9. When she was in her teens, her Christian faith became more personal and lively and on leaving school, she did a gap year working for Christian Literature Crusade.

She met husband Peter on her first day at Bristol University. She studied law. They married a few days after graduation. She returned to law in my early thirties, qualifying as a solicitor and working part-time for 8 years. After this she worked for 11 years for One25 in Bristol (a charity helping street sex-workers to live healthily and break free from violence, poverty and addiction). Peter and Helen were part of a house-church for many years. They re-joined the Church of England on moving to Charfield. Helen enjoys learning, meeting new people and experiencing new adventures in life; also gardening, crafts and getting out into wild countryside.

Rebecca SpearRebecca Spear: Badgeworth, Shurdington and Witcombe and Bentham

Rebecca is 64 years old. She is married to Bill, a retired teacher. They have two adult children, Amelia and Perran, and four grandchildren. Perran, his wife and his two children (aged 3 and 7) currently live with Rebecca and her husband. Rebecca has always lived in Gloucester. Before retiring from teaching she spent most of her career working with children who have Special Needs. She is currently employed as part-time personal assistant to her very disabled great niece.  She is also helping to care for her 91-year-old mother, who has advancing Alzheimer’s dementia. Her call to ministry may well be rooted in her involvement with Diocesan away weekends at Rosehill school during the 1980s with the then Canon Missioner Robin Greenwood, which she helped to facilitate. This deepened her faith and encouraged her to embark on many years of children’s ministry and youth work in her home parish, St. Catharine’s. she also spent many years on the PCC. In 2013 she trained as a hospital chaplaincy volunteer and joined the team as a regular member for the next 5 years.

However, it still came as a total surprise to her when three people in one year suggested she should investigate ordained ministry. She approached Gloucester vocations team, and was again surprised but delighted to be recommended by BAP. Her training at CGH has been a challenge and a delight. She particularly enjoyed her ministerial placement at Highnam, and her formational one at Gloucester City Mission. Both of these experiences proved to be inspiring and energising.

Eddie Carmichael: South Cheltenham Churches

The following people will be ordained priest on Sunday 20 September at 10.15am by the Bishop of Gloucester.

Adrian Beere: Charlton Kings, St Mary

Richard Blagg: Cinderford with Littledean

Tom Cook: North Cheltenham Team Ministry

James Edie: Quinton, Welford, Weston and Marston Sicca

Heather Gruyther: Gloucester, St Paul and St Stephen

Andrew Hill: Cam with Stinchcombe

Sonya Newton: St Oswald, Coney Hill with St Aldate

Susan Pestell: The Guitings, Cutsdean, Farmcote, Upper Slaughter and Lower Slaugter with Eyford and Naunton

David Rees: St Briavel’s with Hewelsfield and Tidenham with Beachley and Lancaut



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