
Showing posts from 2021

Bishop Rachel’s Christmas Day Sermon

Bags of joy at Christmas

Hardwicke site models housing pods

“We cannot punish children for their parents’ mistakes”

If angels took selfies…

3 ways to share what’s At the Heart of Christmas

Bishop Saddock: “Lack of rain is more serious for us than Covid-19”

Christmas activities round up

“Protecting our planet is much bigger than individual salvation”

Gloucester’s green Cathedral drives down carbon footprint

Crowds converge on Cathedral in COP26 gathering

At the Heart of Christmas

Pumpkin trail brings families flocking

How can we all make a difference?

Ringing out a warning on the climate emergency

Bishop Rachel pushes for change to women’s justice system

Harriet’s hair is a lifeline for the rainforest

A road trip in a clapped-out Subaru changed my life forever

Video and photos from the Readers’ Day 2021

Serve And Share building community in Gloucester

Wild and wonderful launch for year of science and faith

Wild and wonderful launch for year of science and faith

Introducing ‘Sportily’