Mission Shaped Intro

Mission Shaped Intro (msi) is a short five or six week course, suitable as an introduction to contemporary missional thinking for a parish, benefice or deanery.  It is currently underway in Stroud and North Cotswold Deaneries, and we hope to be offering it in more locations in the New Year.  There are both five or six week versions, with the former potentially working well as a Lent course.

The themes are similar to those in the Mission Shaped Ministry course but offering this regionally enables a wider audience to engage, people who couldn’t commit to a full year’s course.  There is a particular focus on Fresh Expressions of church, but anyone interested in mission would find the course beneficial.   Participants should expect by the end of the course to have a better understanding of the barriers to church attendance in contemporary society.  It also explores how Christians can respond with forms of mission that connect well with our communities and networks.

MSI in Gloucester Diocese is a partnership between local people and the Department of Mission and ministry.  Cate Williams can offer facilitation of 1-2 sessions as well as support in planning and preparation.  Teaching materials are all available online.

We expect to be responding to local interest rather than creating an overarching programme.   If you are interested in exploring this in your area, contact cwilliams@glosdioc.org.uk for more information.



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