Parish Share

‘Life in all its fullness’

Parish Share

When Jesus talks about ‘Life in all its fullness’ he is teaching about the life of God, which overflows with generosity, exceeds expectations, is more than imagined, abundant. It is the abundance of God’s life within us as a Church and as individuals that flows out, giving life to those around us. When it comes to thinking about stewardship, giving and finance, we do so as Christians from this place of generosity, recognising that the heart of the gospel is God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ and that all we have is God’s: ‘All things come from you, and of your own do we give you.’
(I Chr 29:14)


We have produced a short video which explains Parish Share, what it is and what it does. You can watch this below. You can also visit our Parish Share page for more information and resources, including a Parish Share Leaflet and PowerPoint, to help aid conversation around giving.

Watch on youtube →


Download the Subtitles file here
Note: To play subtitles on a video file on your laptop (as opposed to via the youtube video), place both the video .MP4 file and the subtitles .SRT file in the same folder. Ensure they are both names identically; eg. ‘ParishShare.mp4’ and ‘’. In Windows: Open the MP4 in Windows media player, and settings will then give you access to overlay subtitles. On Mac: Download VLC and install it on your Mac as you would any other program. Launch VLC and click the ‘Media’ menu option in VLC. Click ‘Open File’ and then select your TV show or movie. Click ‘Open’ and then click the ‘Video’ menu option and then click ‘Subtitles Track’ and then ‘Open File’. Select the .SRT file and then click ‘OK’ to enable the .SRT file’s subtitles on your video.


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