
New Year: a time for fresh starts and resolutions. But how easy is it to stick to these resolutions on your own? Diets, diaries, dancing classes – finding the motivation to make real change in your life is tough. But this year could be different…

This January, groups of like-minded people around the Diocese of Gloucester will be getting together to support each other as we work to make positive changes in our lives.

Over four weeks, you will explore how to look after your body, strengthen your mind, inspire your soul and deepen your relationships.

The dates and times are listed below – come alone or grab a friend and get ready to get your life on track for 2018.

When did you last really feel alive?









Resolve dates 2018

Christ Church, Cheltenham
Wednesdays – 10, 17, 24 and 31 January.
Contact Mike Smith

Christ Church, Brunswick Road, Gloucester
Tuesdays, 12.30 to 1.30pm
16, 23 and 30 January, 6 February
Contact Juliet Jensen,

More to come, watch this space…


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