Open our eyes to wonder

Open our eyes, so that we may behold wondrous things out of your Law (Ps 119:18).

The Revd Frances QuistWhen natural disasters occur – one can’t help asking the question why? On the other hand the natural world offers astonishing phenomena and breath-taking events like the total eclipse of the Sun.  Nearly everyone in America experienced the beautiful celestial event on Monday 21 August.  Was this a coincidence or God incident causing the sun and moon and earth to be in alignment revealing an overwhelming astrophysical experience?  The experience for many observers stretching from the Pacific to the Americas was mind blowing.  For some of us who missed this extra-ordinary event in history, summertime and warm months offers opportunity to behold wondrous things in the natural world.  Admiring the delicate colours of a butterfly or looking across the sea, humbled by the sun’s reflection, glittering crystal lights over the ocean are true beauty.  Looking at the clouds moving, creating varying shades of colours over the mountains, bird watching, people watching are marvels to behold.  The sweet breeze from the ocean is a delight, seeing ships berth at harbours, seagulls gliding and twittering at the seashore, listening to the wind blowing through the trees and hearing the sweet sounds of the rustling leaves are all beauty to behold.  One can’t help praising God when struck by the wonder in creation especially wondrous manifestations of a lunar event.  ‘Open our eyes that we may see the wonders of your law’ in the world through spiritual disciplines of prayer, humility and obedience. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy, aid us, as we strive to keep your commandments and be good stewards of your law.

The Revd Frances Quist, Priest in Charge, Matson Benefice.


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