Diocesan LIFE fund Stewards

The Diocesan LIFE fund exists to support parishes and communities in the diocese implement local projects that connect with the LIFE vision. It has some £400K per year to distribute for the next ten years.

The Stewards have the day to day responsibility for the fund, supporting those making applications to the fund and jointly deciding on the allocation of grants.

The fund is in need of a number of new Stewards and the Bishop of Tewkesbury is seeking names of suitable and willing candidates to be nominated to the Bishop’s Council which is the body charged with their appointment. More information on the fund can be found on the Diocese Development fund page. A role description can be found here. Lay women and those with a central to catholic ecclesiology are currently unrepresented among the stewards.

If you believe you are suitably qualified for this role are interested in being considered as a future steward please send a expression of interest with a brief CV to The Bishop of Tewkesbury at btewkesbury@glosdioc.org.uk by 6 October   




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