RECTOR OF CHELTENHAM, St Mary the Minster with St Matthew and St Luke

Simeon’s Trustees, as patrons, and the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, seek an imaginative, collaborative and mission orientated Rector of the Town Centre Benefice of Cheltenham.

This is the first Rector appointment to the benefice formed of two parishes and three churches in the centre of the historic and attractive town of Cheltenham. The benefice is served by a committed team of clergy and lay leaders who are praying for a Rector who will help to lead each of the churches, and the benefice as a whole, into a new chapter of worship, discipleship and outreach across the town. Working across a variety of evangelical ‘streams’ and worship patterns you will need to be a strategic leader who can inspire confidence, equip and empower others in mission and ministry, and work in partnership with other churches and organisations (including civic leaders) in seeking to make Jesus’ offer of ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10) more fully known across the town.

Cheltenham is served by excellent schools and a University, first class amenities and with beautiful countryside on its doorstep.

For an informal discussion about the role contact the Archdeacon of Cheltenham, the Ven Phil Andrew on 01452 835594 or 07498 052045.

Profile and full details available via

Contact: Mrs Ann Brown:

Closing date: 30 October           Visit & interviews: 22-23 November 2017

Profile StMmmL



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