Card Readers in Churches

National Stewardship Team is seeking 40 churches to take part in the national trial for accepting card payments, including contactless, for fees and for payments such as hall and room hire as well as for donations. The churches would need to test the card readers for several months, in return participating churches will get a free card-reader and low Parish Buying rates on transactions. For the church to be considered, it will need to have the following:

  • A connection (3G or 4G) or Wi-Fi where you are taking payments
  • A smart phone (android or iPhone) or an iPad
  • An email address
  • A church bank account
  • Authorisation of the treasurer or PCC to enter into an agreement with the company
  • To be registered with the Parish Buying Service (you can register for free HERE)

If you would like to take part please enter your details HERE and contact a member of the church buildings department and let them know you have signed up.


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