Domestic Abuse Workshops

As part of the international 16 days on action against women and girls which takes place between the 25 November and 10 December this year we are launching our Domestic Abuse Workshops.


27 November 2pm-4.30pm, St Paul’s Cheltenham

28 November 7pm – 9,30pm, The Old Town Hall, Stroud

30 November, 7pm-9.30pm, Holy Trinity Tewkesbury

1 December 10am-12.30pm, Laud Room, Church House

A member of senior clergy, our Safeguarding Board and others will be at each session to open the event. The Cathedral CMT and Chapter have also been invited, and many clergy and nominated people will be present too. The Police, Restored and GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) will also be present.

This is such an important subject, please do book yourself in to tone of the events to find out more, support the team, and spread the word. And we are lighting up Gloucester Cathedral tower purple to highlight the cause.

Please do book early to secure a space. To book yourself in please email


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