July Safeguarding Team News

Firstly, a huge welcome to Brett Riches who joins us as the new job share partner for Becca. Brett works Mondays to Wednesdays, and Becca works Wednesdays to Fridays.  Check out the who’s who and photos on our website pages. The phone contact details are just the same for both.

Becky Smith many folk will know already as our Receptionist at Church House. Becky has also been working with the HR and Safeguarding Team for the past few months, and we are delighted that this will remain a permanent arrangement. All bookings for training for any safeguarding event can be sent directly to Becky, BSmith@glosdioc.org.uk

Over the past few months and into the summer Becca and Brett are working through the 2016/17 checklists and are following up what has been raised in terms of training, support, advice and guidance.  Through their contacts we will be able to delve a bit deeper into what resources etc might be helpful with the aim of us making more resources available through our website; having more deanery based meetings; inviting Nominated People to a couple of events later in the year; and generally working on how we can help support you all further.



Please do remember that we are now unable to use confidential declarations when someone is not eligible for a DBS. Please read our updated guidance on safely recruiting volunteers http://ift.tt/2tdMfDW

Holiday Clubs

If your church is planning a holiday club this summer you will find this document useful reading http://ift.tt/2sJhB1C


Dates for the diary: Two big training focuses in the autumn

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Core training for PCCs

 Domestic Abuse

As part of the international 16 days of action against violence against women and girls which takes place between the 25 November and 10 December this year we are launching our Domestic Abuse Workshops.

27 November 2pm-4.30pm,  St Paul’s Cheltenham

28 November 7pm-9.30pm, TBC Stroud Deanery

30 November, 7pm-9.30pm, Holy Trinity Tewkesbury

1December 10am-12.30pm, Laud Room, Church House

A member of senior clergy, our Safeguarding Board and others will be at each session to open the event.    The Cathedral CMT and Chapter have also been invited, and many clergy and nominated people will be present too.   The Police, Restored and GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) will also be present.

This is such an important subject, please do book yourself in to one of the events to find out more, support the team, and spread the word.  And we are lighting up Gloucester Cathedral tower purple to highlight the cause.

Please do book early to secure a space. To book yourself in please email BSmith@glosdioc.org.uk


Core Training

Don’t forget that our core training is offered to all PCC members and those in parishes with particular roles supporting vulnerable adults and children.   There are still events left this year to book yourselves into – check out the details on the website through this link: http://ift.tt/2sIOfAu

Looking forward to 2018 we are already putting our training diary together and we’d love to use some different venues across the diocese.  So if you have a great Church Hall or other suitable venue (with facilities!) we’d love to hear from you. Please do let Becky Smith know what you might be able to offer and we’ll start to build up a list!


And finally

Over the summer weeks we will be checking through our website to refresh our resources and to include a new HR page that will offer additional advice and guidance.  If you are in any doubt that what you are using currently is the most up to date, our advice is to check the logo on each one!  If you have the new diocesan logo like the ones we have put links to they are up to date, if you have any resources that have the old Gloucester Diocesan Journeying Together logo please do check with us!

Everyone in the team wishes you all a great summer.



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