The safety and security of our faith communities

Faith Community safety security emergency

In times of tension, faith communities may find themselves vulnerable in a number of ways.

Those who are visibly identifiable as members of a faith may sometimes be verbally or physically harassed or attacked. Hatred or suspicion of a particular faith may be incited. Or the cause may be mindless vandalism. In such situations there needs to be a firm response by the police, the public and the faith communities themselves.

We, as faith communities, also have a role in responding to emergency situations and to inter-community tensions, both as individual communities and – very importantly – together. In our shared society we are deeply interconnected. An attack on one is an attack on all.

These short guidelines have been produced by the Inter Faith Network for the UK, in consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Home Office, the National Fire Chiefs’ Council and the National Police Chiefs’ Council, to assist in responding together as communities to increase our safety and security:

• Respond jointly – an attack on one is an attack on all
• Calm in times of tension
• Build on and strengthen existing good inter faith relations

Download the full guidance here →


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