
Hills and churchThe ‘Season of Creation’ is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1 September to 4 October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. It is a time that encompasses many harvest festivals and ends with the feast of St Francis of Assisi. As Christians, we acknowledge that the environment is our common home, and we need to tread more gently on the Earth and care for our shared planet.

Creationtide is originally an Eastern Orthodox initiative, but has now spread widely among Anglican, Roman Catholic and Protestant congregations, bringing Christians together to pray and work for the protection of the environment that sustains everyone. The CofE lectionary hasn’t quite caught up with Creationtide but clergy and readers can find suitable resources such as Bible readings and ideas for sermons here.

Why not join many others in the South West of England by signing up for daily prayers and reflections – just follow this link:

Support is available from the Revd Arthur Champion,, Tel: 01242-870402.


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