South India Youth Trip 2018 – 23 July – 8 August

Would you like to spend just under three weeks of your summer holiday:

Working with children in schools, hostels and orphanages?
Sharing the life of Indian Christians?
Experiencing Indian life and culture?
Growing in your Christian faith and discipleship?


How can I find out more about the 2018 trip?

Please see our leaflet for more information India Trip 2018
There will be an information evening on Thursday 28th September at 7.00pm in the Jerusalem Room at 4 College Green, Gloucester (opposite the cathedral entrance).

This session is for potential team members, their parents and those thinking about being one of the leaders. By coming to the meeting you are not committing yourself to anything! There is also no need to book, just come!

For more information please contact:
The Reverend Gary Grady
01242 511522


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