Growing links between church, school and community

Smiling girlThe gardening club at Linden Primary School in Gloucester has been sowing a new plot this summer, in the grounds of St Paul and St Stephen’s Church. The Revd Ruth Fitter joined them to help the children to cultivate a new community garden. The children have been learning gardening skills and will be able to take the produce that they grow home.

Ruth said: “The church building and grounds are not just for the people who go to church and this is great a way of demonstrating that. The community garden is for all of us to share together.

“My dad is a farmer and an excellent gardener, but unfortunately it hasn’t rubbed off on me! I am looking forward to learning more about gardening with the children and getting to know them.”

Children in the community gardenTeacher Eileen Pegram said: “As a school, we believe that children learn through having experiences, so being part of a community garden project is very exciting for us.”

The first strawberries of the season are now starting to ripen – lots to look forward to as the children start to see the fruits of their labour.




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