LIFE priority groups meet

LIFE priority group leaders meeting to share reflections

As worshipping communities across the Diocese pray, reflect and find their own engagement in the LIFE vision, groups of people from across the Diocese are coming together to share  ideas about how to support and enable developments on the fourteen LIFE priorities.

Each group is facilitated by a leader who has particular insight and gifts in a priority area, and groups are made up of lay and ordained people from across the Diocese with specific interests. At this stage, these groups are gathering, praying, reflecting and sharing experience on different priority areas.

Some groups are beginning to offer training or resources to those in the Diocese who want to get involved in a particular area – for example, the young women’s vocation day – rooted in the Leadership priority “developing diverse lay and ordained leaders from the communities we serve” or the social media training, developed as part of the Faith priority “sharing stories in new and different ways, including through digital media.”


Click here for the priority group members list

If you are interested in finding out more about what a group is doing, or potentially joining one of the groups, please contact Helen Wolfson, Vision Support Officer –


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